The ACIF applications have been extended and will now close on Friday 22 December 2023.
2023/24 ACIF Funding now open!
The Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund (ACIF) will contribute up to $5 million in 2023/24 into community facility projects, representing Cricket’s continued commitment to infrastructure funding.
The ACIF provides funding for community cricket facility projects with a focus on growing participation and promoting accessibility and inclusion.
This funding is open to all clubs and associations acknowledging the important role these partners play in providing facilities for community cricket across Australia.
NT Cricket's Head of Cricket Darren Treumer encourages Territory cricket stakeholders to make the most of the opportunity.
“We all know the difference great facilities can make to a cricket experience for participants, officials, volunteers and spectators.
"Whether it’s new or revitalised nets, change rooms given a new lease on life or lighting to be able to play out of the heat of the day, these projects can have a transformative impact on local participation, club profile and the assets councils have for their communities," said Treumer.
Who can apply to the ACIF?
Clubs, associations, councils, schools, facility managers or any other organisation with a role as a user or manager of a community cricket facility.
How can I apply for funding from the ACIF?
Applications are now open for Northern Territory Cricket 2023/24 ACIF Funding cycle and close on Friday 22 December.
NTC Minor Funding Application link
NTC Major Funding Application link
How much funding can I apply for?
The ACIF has two main grant categories relating to the amount of the funding request:
Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund - Minor: $0 - $15,000
Australian Cricket Infrastructure Fund - Major: $15,001 - $40,000
*Applications for more than $40,000 for multi-faceted/regionally significant projects will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
What types of projects receive funding from the ACIF?
Projects must be focused on growing cricket participation and/or providing welcoming and inclusive environments for all participants. Typical projects include the construction or refurbishment of pitches, ovals, practice facilities, change rooms, pavilions and supporting infrastructure.
Are there projects that the ACIF doesn't support?
The ACIF doesn’t support
1) projects that have already commenced*
2) sporting equipment (e.g. stumps, balls)
3) routine maintenance or maintenance equipment
4) temporary facilities
5) projects not focused on community cricket
6) projects that can be covered by insurance
7) previously funded facilities (unless a new facility component)
8) facilities with no/limited public access.
*The ACIF does not generally support projects that have already commenced construction, however, should circumstances require prior commencement (e.g. the facility has been damaged and requires immediate rectification works) it is recommended applicants contact their State or Territory Infrastructure Manager (or equivalent) to discuss project eligibility.
What if my project doesn't meet the funding guidelines?
Please contact NT Cricket's Head of Cricket Darren Treumer to discuss how they may be able to assist you to develop your project or seek other funding opportunities.
Key dates
22nd December 2023 | Closing Date for ACIF |
23rd December - 20 January 2024 | Territory review and assessment |
January / February 2024 | Cricket Australia review and assessment |
February 2024 | Applicant notification |