NT Cricket Announce Darwin-Based Male and Female Academies for 2025

Northern Territory Cricket is pleased to announce the players selected for the 2025 Darwin-based Male and Female Academies, which will be overseen by Trent Keep, recently appointed Pathways and Talent Development Coach.

The Academy will also be extended to include Alice Springs in August – aligning with the start of their season – with Keep travelling to Alice in late-march to hold a talent identification session in preparation for July’s Junior Strike League.

The Academy’s purpose is to develop professional players from the Northern Territory and bridge the gap to wider Cricket Australia High-Performance systems, with NT Cricket dedicating more resources into the Territory’s top players who are eligible for selection in our Cricket Australia National Championship teams (U16 Female, U17 and 19 male).

The Academy will also have a strong focus on coach development, with all local club coaches invited to attend Academy training sessions as a means of upskilling and aligning messaging with NT Cricket. Local coaches will also play a key role in identifying talent within the Darwin Districts Cricket Competition with this improved knowledge of the Territory’s Pathway system.

In line with Cricket Australia High Performance framework, the NT Academy will have a holistic development focus for players which is underpinned by physical, mental, tactical, technical, and individual development. This will be supported by the incorporation of external professionals in specialised fields (nutrition, mental and physical), newly created partnerships across strength & conditioning, group skill trainings and access to 1-1 individual sessions with Keep; the latter of which has not been previously offered within the Territory Pathway system.

Trent Keep Quote:

“Whilst we have selected a squad of players, both male and female, it is important to note that the squad is fluid and players who perform for their clubs are able to be added, whilst those who have been selected can be excluded based on performances, behaviour and commitment – all qualities that we pride ourselves on here in the Territory”.

“The first few sessions with the Academy have been great, the players are eager to learn and there are huge opportunities for development of these individuals both on-and-off the field”.

Female Academy

Joanna Pickett Tracy Village CC
Ekam Dhillon Tracy Village CC
Jordi O’Toole PINT CC
Abbey Warton Waratah CC
Vishali Bimbral Palmerston CC
Aeryn McCormack Palmerston CC

Male Academy

Rithun Ramanan Waratah CC
Mithuru Perera Waratah CC
Archie McCormick Waratah CC
Tye Beer Tracy Village CC
Dhruv Shandilya Tracy Village CC
Cadell McMahon Palmerston CC
Ralph Stephens Darwin CC
Max Menzies Darwin CC
Matt St Clair Southern Districts CC
Sam Barker Southern Districts CC
Riley Souter Nightcliff CC
James Hatton Nightcliff CC
Nicholas Fleming  Nightcliff CC
Noah McDonald PINT CC