Happy New Year and welcome to 2025!
With just 64 days until the first ball of the DDCC season, we’re gearing up for an exciting start with a triple-header of Men’s T20s at DXC Arena on Saturday 5th April.
This will be followed by Round 1 of the Women’s T20 competition on Friday 11th April.
Below, you’ll find key updates and action items to help you prepare for the season ahead.
If there are any items you'd like to discuss in person, please don’t hesitate to reach out.
January Updates
🟢 Player Registrations
Details: Winter 2025 has been created in PlayHQ, and clubs have been invited to competitions.
Action Required: Clubs to create player registrations forms as per this process. Online payment functionality has been improved — please view the key benefits here.
🟢 Team Entries
Details: Clubs are required to submit team nominations for grades by March 15th.
Action Required: Please see the Grade Breakdown here. Further details will be provided on the process for submitting teams.
🟢 Indoor Pre-Season Training
Details: Training times for DXC Indoor nets have been allocated to clubs.
Action Required: For inquiries, please contact Muhammad Abdullah Sohail.
🟢 Fixtures
Details: Draft fixtures for T20, Women’s, A Grade, B Grade, and Under 15 competitions can be found here.
Action Required: Please review and provide any feedback.
🟢 Uniform Guidelines
Details: The 2025 DDCC uniform guidelines have been drafted, click here to view.
Action Required: Please review before placing uniform orders.
🟢 2025 Umpire Fees
Details: The NT Cricket Match Officials Association have set fees for the upcoming season.
Action Required: Please view the ‘Umpire Fees’ here.
🟢 Female Interstate Player Program
Details: A detailed article is available here. After the February 16th deadline, a list of players will be shared with clubs for engagement. Further details can be found in the attachment.
Action Required: Please promote through your networks.
🟢 Cricket Balls
Details: Kookaburra will be the exclusive supplier for DDCC balls with CFS managing all club purchases and distribution.
Action Required: Please see the guidelines for ball types for each grade here.
🟢 Level 1 Coaching Course
Details: This course, led by Trent Keep, our new Pathway & Talent Development Coach, will include a dedicated All-Female session.
Action Required: Save the date: Sunday 23rd March, from 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM.
🟢 Child Safety
Details: The Australian Cricket Framework for Safeguarding Children and Young People has been recently updated.
Action Required: Visit Play.Cricket.com.au for the latest resources.